Cornerstone Corporation
Welcome to Cornerstone Corp. and to the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) - Malaysia's gift to the world! We look forward to opportunities for cooperation and a mutually enriching journey towards achieving your organizational goals.
Digital Content Development/Management Cornerstone is in the business of digital content - the development, the management & the provision of continuous professional services.
We produce "Content Management Systems (CMS)" for running integrated portals, internet communities & websites, with special emphasis on international developmental NGOs & agencies as well as for professional Communities of Practice (CoP). more ...
We develop Knowledge-base (KM) and Database Management systems for anytime, anywhere, any-'device' access - examples include Clinic Patient Records Management, Drugs databases, professional association/society Membership systems, and the list goes on. We are good at using the internet for the delivery of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) solutions. We build Internet Applications. Find out more ...
We create Video & Multimedia productions, Computer-Based Training CD-ROM, internet/website designs and product launches with multimedia (used extensively in corporate events). We are into content management for continuously updated plasma info-display screens, public display flat-screens and hi-definition TVs. Have your own TV-channel! more ...
Contact us now! Many of our customers begin with simple websites, and have stayed with us as customers for years since.
Portal and Website Content Management System (CMS)
Society Portals - a vertical portal ('vortal') implementation for professional societies/associations becoming cyber-communities
Medical/Clinic Patient Records Management - intelligent and pragmatic use of computers for the medical practioner concerned about patient records keeping
Video and Multimedia Content 'Packaging', fast-track and low-cost development and production of corporate presentation material that meets the budget, the constant need for change and revision, and tight deadlines; including professional corporate Interactive CD-ROMS
Multimedia-cum-Video Digital Signage - own your own TV-channel and begin to narrow-cast (cf. broadcast) with capabilities to also "data"-cast

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Create Your Own Website Instant - Edit your webpages now.
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A website that pro-creates websites!
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