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  SSMC Family Camp 2006
11-13 August 2006

[ Click here for Registration Form ]

{Click here to view past 2005 camp photos}

"Rooted and built up in Him" - Colossians 2:6-7

Venue: Location Map to Allson Klana Resort, Seremban
Check-in: 11-August-2006 (Friday), between 3pm onwards, to 8pm
Check-out: 13-August-2006 (Sunday)

Accommodation (3D/ 2N)
Per Room (2 beds) RM 290.00
Extra Mattress RM 40.00
Extra Bed RM 80.00

Meals (Dinner for Fri, Sat; Breakfast for Sat, Sun; Lunch for only Saturday*)
Adult Meals (Over 12 years) RM 135.00
Children Meals (4 to 12 years) RM 85.00
Children (Below 4 years).  FREE

*** NOTE: different for this year *****
The above costs do NOT include Sunday Lunch which can be purchased optionally at RM 25 for adults, RM 15 for children.

Payment: Full payment (non-refundable) must accompany your Camp Registration. Make all cheques payable to “Sungei Way-Subang Methodist Church”.

A subsidy of RM50.00 per paying adult & children over 4 years old is optionally applicable (for SSMC Members only and their non-Christian guests; otherwise you can pay the exact full costs).


English Session Speaker: Don Gillman

Don Gillman

Don & Denise Gillman were married in 1980 and have three children. Joel was born in 1983, Joshua was born in 1987 and Charis was born in 1989. They joined YWAM in 1985 doing their DTS in Makapala Hawaii. After that they worked with DTS for a few years until they moved to Switzerland in 1987. Don did his SBS in Switzerland and then they moved with Ron & Judy Smith to Singapore to pioneer a SBS. Don led the SBS in Singapore from 1989-1992.

In 1991 they felt God calling them to Taiwan. After appointing new leadership in Singapore they moved to Taiwan in 1992. After 2 years of language study and preparation they pioneered the first Mandarin SBS in the world and led that for 5 years. After that the SBS took a year break to Church plant in Dan Shui and pioneer a base. Don is the base Director of Dan Shui Ministries and also the Taiwan Frontier Mission Director. Denise leads the Hospitality Department, English Ministries and Mom Bible Studies.

Joel has finished his DTS and SBS and is presently in YWAM Montana working on his degree. Josh is getting ready to go into the 11th grade and Charis is starting 9th grade. They have all been raised in Asia and are living proof it is possible to grow up healthy on the mission field.

As a family we have a desire to see the 2 billion people of Asia who have never had a chance to hear the name of Jesus come into a saving relationship with Him. "We desire to do that through evangelism, discipleship / training and sending of missionaries throughout Asia. We welcome you to come and partner with us!".

more at YWAM website 

Chinese Session Speaker: Wong Kheang Wook

Rev Wong Kheang Wook comes from Ipoh, has been in the pastoral and literature ministry for many years. He is currently the Executive Director of Pustaka Sufes and Pastor of the St. Gabriel Church (Chinese section). Rev. Wong also actively serving as Secretary of  the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (CCCOWE) of West Malaysia, the Secretary general of Malaysian Care and Council Member of Malaysia Bible Seminary.

Children's Session - "Fun in the Son"

Teaching outline:
In a world of advanced technology, of Xbox and Mission Impossible III, of IPods and online chattings, that Jesus can sometimes seem out of place in our hearts.  Live lives of purity?  Carry your own cross?  Go to church every Sunday?  Read the Bible everyday?  It may be enough to make some kids wonder, "Huh? It's boring following Jesus!" 
In some ways, fun gets a slap down in Christian circles.  Many people who believe "fun is sin and sin is fun" don't yet know just how FUN it can be to walk with the Creator of an exciting universe.  God made fun and He wants us to have fun.  But He knows where to set the boundaries so that our fun won't hurt us or others. 
This camp teaching emphasises the truth that you can't fill your life with fun alone.  Enjoyment is only "skin deep" - it gives us a physical rush but it cannot satisfy us.  It can only be satisifed through His Son, Jesus Christ.
We can have life to the full and still have fun when we follow Jesus. Following God means saying no to some things but saying yes to the joy God wants to bring to them.  

  • Is God Boring? - John 4:4-26
  • How much fun is ok? - Genesis 3:1-8, 2 Samuel 11:1-5; Matthew 14:1-12
  • If Fun can't fill me up.  What can? John 4:4-26
  • Guard your heart - God sets His boundaries so as to protect us.  Colossians 3:1-10, 16, 17.  How children will respond to God to make some decisions and choices now that will help them to go where they want to go. We will talk about music, movies, books and IT.

Children's Session Speaker: Winnie & Patrick Phoon

Winnie has been serving in the children ministry since 1989.  In mid-1999, she joined RiverLife Church and in 2000 to mid-2004, she served as the pastor for the children ministry. Prior to joining RiverLife Church, she served in a missions organisation and a bible college.  She is a Bachelor of Theology graduate from Theological Centre for Asia and is currently pursuing her Master of Divinity degree at the same institution.

Patrick is a full-time staff with Scripture Union Singapore since 1997 and has also served as a lay Children’s Ministry leader. As the Deputy Head of Bible Resource ministry, he promotes and teaches Bible reading among children and adults and has compiled and taught the 52 Creative Ideas to Teach Bible Stories training programme. He is a local missionary supported by RiverLife Church. He obtained his Bachelor of Theology degree from Theological Centre for Asia and is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity degree on a part-time basis at the same institution.

They have two wonderful sons, Delwyn (22) and David (13).  Both are WorldTeach trainers in A Biblical Portrait of Marriage; Kids’ Prayer of Jabez; Teaching With Style and are also trained puppeteers in “Psalty Funtastic Praise Party 2 Concerts” in 2001. Together they work as a team in conducting seminars and trainings for leaders, teachers and parents, conducting and speaking in children’s camps and services in both local and overseas churches.

Currently, Winnie is an itinerant teacher/trainer both in local churches as well as overseas.  She has also been appointed as the Director/facilitator by Unveiling Glory, USA  to conduct the SuperDoc seminar (Cat & Dog Theology) for children and families.  SuperDoc is an abbreviation for super doctrine, and a SuperDoc is someone strong in the knowledge of Bible doctrine. The SuperDoc Seminar is the creation of Jim Thurber and is part of the UnveilinGLORY ministries headquartered near Richmond, Virginia.


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