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  People with Special Needs (PSN)

People with disabilities are amongst the most vulnerable and socially excluded in our Malaysian Society. Amongst them, person with intellectual disabilities and persons with psychiatric disabilities are the marginalized groups. Malaysian Care PSN encompasses services for these special group of people through:

Children Services

Adult Services

Other Services


Children Services: Early Intervention Programmes (EIP)

Early Intervention Programmes cater for children with severe to mild developmental delays/learning disabilities from birth to 6 years of age. The programme is a centre-based programme where children attend once or twice a week. Each session comprises a group of 8-10 children (this may vary according to staffing situation). The session may last from in 1 1/2 to 2 1/2hours, depending on the age of the child. At least one parent/caregiver is required to accompany the child throughout the session. The rationale is that the teacher/special educator is not just working with the child but the parent/caregiver as well. Mothers have reported that their involvement had positively affected their sense of competence as mothers, raised confidence as well as more positive attitudes and motivation to help their child.

The programme is an educational programme and it incorporates all the main areas of a child's development, through a structured programme of planned activities. Time is set aside for individual work, small group and whole group activities. 

Every child is assessed and the parents interviewed. From this, an individual education plan (that is, IEP) is drawn up for each child. This guides the teachers and parents in knowing what to teach. Different comers are set up with toys and activities so that a conducive environment is in place to stimulate learning. Teachers record and monitor children's progress daily, making evaluation an on-going process. 

Children graduate from the programme when they reach seven years, where they move on to formal schooling, either mainstream classes or 'special classes' in government schools. The Malaysian Government has recently adopted a policy of compulsory education. Unfortunately, the present scenario is that not all children with special needs will be 'automatically' accepted in the government schools even when they graduated.

Aims of EIP

  1. To provide information and early support to families.
  2. To guide parents to teach and manage their children more effectively.
  3. To teach children foundation skills which they will require to develop other skills.
  4. To promote awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and their fuller integration into the community.

Children Services


Contact: Yvonne Teh

Children Services: Supplementary class

PSN hopes that by providing educational support through supplementary classes, the learning process of the children will be enhanced and their potential fully realized.

Another aim would be to develop good programme models that others may want to replicate. In this way, we seek to influence positive changes in the school programmes and curricula and promote development of special education in the schools and other organizations.

This may lead on to working more closely with the schools our children are attending. We are looking for opportunities to influence programme and curricula changes in the schools.

Children Services


Contact: Yvonne Teh

Adult Services: Workbased Programme

People with learning difficulties, when given "opportunity", "preparation" and "support, when needed", can hold and secure a job and lead a meaningful life as any other person. They can be "productive" and "perform" as well as any other worker.

Malaysia, as a labour-intensive market, can provide good "opportunities" and "integration" in the job market by employing people with learning difficulties as an "alternative" workforce instead of migrant workers. From our experience, our young adults with learning difficulties have proven to be "competent" and "diligent" employees.

Training programs for the Adult Services will be categorized into 2 levels;

a. Living Skills Programme
b. Independent Living Programme


Work Preparation Model
Concept of Work Preparation
Opportunity in gaining different types of work experiences
Opportunity to self evaluate strengths and needs in job matching
Opportunity for potential clients being absorbed into gainful employment
Building rapport with employers

Adult Services

Bandar Tasik Selatan


Contact: Clarissa Chang

JOY Ministries

The gospel is for ALL and this includes people with learning difficulties. It is our responsibility to be faithful in proclaiming the gospel to them and the Holy Spirit's job to being them to the point of understanding and acceptance. Through them, we may reach out to their families. JOY MINISTRIES form the evangelistic arm of our ministry to people with disabilities and to their families.

It is a very essential ministry because many people with learning difficulties do not have the opportunity to know Jesus. Through this ministry the Word of God can be taught to them at their level and they can be led to know and receive and depend on Jesus.

Parents of children with disabilities are quite often hurting and lonely people. When their children come to know Jesus, they can be the channels to bring their families to know Christ and this has happened with many of our campers.

GIFT*Camp, formerly known as Handi*Camp, reaches out to young adults with learning difficulties through evangelistic camps. This is a 4 days / 3 nights camp, that provides a variety of activities for the campers. The activities include Praise and Worship, Chapel and bible review games, Bible Class, Handicraft Sessions, Indoor and Outdoor activities.

Physically, socially and spiritually, the camp provides the right atmosphere for people with disabilities to come to know the Lord. The camp aims for all to participate and not be a spectator, no matter what their physical abilities and limitations are; to compete in sports and games; to enjoy nature and swim in the sea and pool.

It is a chance for people with learning difficulties to have a change of environment and of being away from their families. They can meet new people, make new friends; discover new things and abilities, enjoy new activities (fishing, boating or hiking), which are rare experiences for them. It is an opportunity to know God's goodness and experience His love.

Besides the GIFT*Camp, JOY Ministries also organize:

  • Adventurer's Week shares Jesus with children between the ages of 7-12.
  • Parents' Evangelistic Meetings are evangelistic meetings directed to their parents and family members.
  • Discipleship Camps for those who have accepted Christ, to encourage and help them to grow in the Lord.

The aims and objectives of the camps are:

1. To see people with learning difficulties:

• Come to know Jesus as their Saviour, Lord and friend of their life. 
• Grow in the Lord
• Be part of the church family

2. To involve Churches in ministering to people with learning difficulties through:

• Special Sunday School
• Special Bible Study groups
• Social Clubs
• Integration/Reverse Integration - in church activities

JOY Ministry

Bandar Tasik Selatan


Contact: Pauline Wong Poh Lin

Toy Library and Parents Resource Centre

The following are areas of services that Resource Centre will cover:

  • Library Services
  • Networking
  • Parent Services
  • Compilation and Dissemination of Resources
  • Coordination of Training
  • Promotion Work
  • Advocacy Work

  • Library Services
    Loans and sale of publications developed by team.
    Improvement of member or user care
    Reclassification of books and computerization of the library system
    Extending our library opening hours eg. Saturdays
  • Networking
    Referrals and follow-up of placements
    E-newsletter to members and partners
    Facilitating support groups- parents, siblings and others
    National Christian Consultation on Children Disability Services
  • Parent Services
    Continuation of assessment / counseling
    Initiating and facilitating clubs for recreational activities eg. riding, art, and swimming
  • Compilation and Dissemination of Resources
    Compilation and dissemination of resource materials
    Update Service Directory
    Conversion of videos to CDs
    Curricula materials
    Evangelistic camp materials
    Translation of Robert Deller's curriculum guide into Chinese
  • Coordination of Training
    In-house training for staff, parents and kindergarten teachers
    Organise training seminars
    Conduct teaching aids workshops
  • Promotion/Disability Awareness
    Sharing with churches and other groups
  • Advocacy/Self Advocacy
    Facilitating parent groups and self-help groups

Toy Library and Parents' Resourse Centre

Bandar Tasik Selatan, ,
Wilayah Persekutuan.

 Tel: , (Direct Line)


Contact: Yeoh Soo Han

Operation Hours:
10:00am to 4:30pm (Monday Tuesday and Thursday) 
1:30pm to 4:30pm (Friday).



SPICES is an acronym for Support for Parents, Infants & Children through Early Services. SPICES Early Intervention Centre provides support services to children with developmental delay and learning difficulties, and their parents. It is a non-profit community project by Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church, Kuala Lumpur. SPICES is part of a nationwide network of Early Intervention Programmes/Centres set up with the assistance of Malaysian CARE, a local non-profit Christian agency serving the poor and needy. Every man, woman and child is valuable in the eyes of God. Each person's presence, whatever the measure of his or her abilities, adds to the richness and diversity of life. The old adage that 'variety is the spice of life' embodies a part of what SPICES believes in as we work with children with special needs.


  • Provide children having developmental delay with opportunities for learning so that they may achieve their full potential.
  • To prepare these children for integration into regular kindergartens and formal schools.
  • To encourage parental involvement in the education of their children with special needs by equipping parents with essential information and skills.
  • To offer practical, emotional and spiritual support to the families who participate in the programme.


Each child enrolled at SPICES follows an individual Education Programme drawn up after a comprehensive assessment. This programme seeks to systematically stimulate all areas of a child's development, and includes the following activities:

Art & Craft
Singing & Music
Sand/Water Play & Dough play
Pretend Play
Story Time
Table Activities
Physical Activities


The main problem of the child is developmental delay/learning difficulty/mental handicap.
The child must be under 6 years at the time of registration.
The centre is open to all needy children irrespective of race or religion.

Resource & Toy Library

Open to those involved with disabled children.
Monday - Thursday (10am - 4.30pm)

SPICES & MALAYSIAN CARE -  A new partnership initiative for Early Intervention



Every man, woman and child is valuable in the eyes of God. Each person 's presence, whatever the measure of his or her abilities, adds to the richness and diversity of life. The old adage that 'variety is the spice of life' embodies a part of what SPICES believes in as we work with learning-disabled children.

SPlCES is a non-profit organisation.




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