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Message from the President

Dato's Dr Abdul Hamid Abdul KadirThe seed for the formation of the Association of Specialists in Private Medical Practice was sown at a meeting, in late 1999, of interested specialists in Assunta Hospital and chairmen of Medical Advisory or Consultant Committees from the major private hospitals in Klang Valley.

It was felt that while there are a number of professional organisations already in existence, they had their special objectives which did not address the peculiar problems faced by specialists in private hospitals. These problems broadly relate to:

  • professional rights,
  • the incursion into ethical practice by extraneous profit-oriented forces, and
  • the compromise of patient care thereof.

It was also felt that the specialists in private practice have a bigger role to play in the healthcare development plans of the Government, like in health tourism, healthcare financing, integration of public and private specialist healthcare, schedule of fees, and so on. The collective voice of the specialists in these matters was not being projected effectively at present at planning meetings.

The growth of the Association needs the support of all practising private clinical specialists, and while the Association has been registered for KL & Selangor at the present time, we hope that it will soon become a national organisation. There are already interests shown by specialists outside KL & Selangor to join the Association, and we hope by the next AGM we will have a Malaysian Association of Specialists in Private Medical Practice.

This website will serve the association well in communicating to the public at large; and is of particular benefit to members as we run and operate the affairs of the association across different states of the country. It will facilitate information and knowledge sharing amongst members.

With best wishes for a future of hope and success.

Dato' Dr Abdul Hamid Abdul Kadir
Association of Specialists in Private Medical Practice
(Persatuan Pakar Amalan Perubatan Swasta)
Kuala Lumpur & Selangor, MALAYSIA

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