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Dr Ng Kam Weng



The Christian Approach to welcoming the Stranger in an Unfriendly World.

In an age where we grill and padlock our homes, wire our cars with the most sophisticated of alarms and warn our children not to talk to strangers, it is difficult to imagine a scenario where we readily open our homes to strangers.  With violence and crimes on the rise, our hesitance seems justified and right.  

Yet, Hebrews 13:2 tells us: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

What does being hospitable mean to Christians?  What are the theological sources of Christian hospitality?

Click here to find our more about the event...

The Church in Malaysia
urgently needs to develop a thoughtful and comprehensive answer to contemporary challenges to its life and mission. In response to this task Kairos Research Centre was set up in 1993 by a group of evangelical leaders with the following objectives:

To encourage and facilitate Christian research and scholarship on issues relevant to Malaysian Christianity.

Given the complexity of the Malaysian society, Kairos Research Centre seeks to encourage Christian scholars to work together in an interdisciplinary venture drawing from a variety of modern fields of knowledge such as theology, philosophy, science and socio-political theory for the purpose of formulating an integrated Christian knowledge. This will facilitate the development of Christianity in contemporary society, particularly in Malaysia with its multi-religious context.

To contribute towards the intellectual development of Christian leaders and thinkers.

Kairos Research Centre will also seek to identify and nurture younger Christian leaders who have a contribution to make to the wider Christian community through their scholarship and research. It will conduct specialized seminars/lectures to help such leaders develop their Christian scholarship on relevant issues. The Centre will publish works by Malaysian Christian researchers and scholars and is committed to making its research materials available to the Church in a user-friendly form.

Current research includes publications in the following areas:

  1. Developing Christian Strategies for Constructive Engagements in society, touching on church-state relations with special interest in an environment where Christianity is a minority religion.

  2. Christianity in a Pluralistic Society, touching on the uniqueness of Christ in the light of religious pluralism.

Kairos Research Centre intends to set up specialized study groups in the following areas:

  1. Religion and Society,
  2. Christian Approach to Inter-Religious Encounters, and
  3. Christian Faith and Modern Science.

The Board of Directors comprises Mr. Chow Chee Yan, Rev. Dr.Hwa Yung, Mr. Philip T. N. Koh, Dr. Lee Kam Hing, Dr. Ng Kam Weng (Research Director), Mr. M. Selveindran and Rev. Wong Fong Yang.

If you wish to know more about Kairos Research Centre you may write to

Kairos Research Centre

19B Jalan SS 22/19
Damansara Jaya

Selangor, MALAYSIA


Doing The Right Thing

Now available online!

Follow up to the Kairos Public Forum on The Da Vinci Code.

Due to sponsorship from some kind Christians, we are pleased to announce that Kairos is making available the DVD recording of the Kairos Forum on Da Vinci Code at cost price.
( for more information)

To download RBC resource material Please click here

Understanding the Modern World Through Christian Eyes
Kairos New Book

Can Two Walk Together?
Issues christians struggle with
( Click for more information )

New Dissertation available

Title: "Towards Cross-Cultural Cognitive Compatibility in the Malay Translation of Soteriological Terms"

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